The Cherryville Little League Board will be working hard to grow youth baseball in our community. We are offering the opportunity for our players to be a part of the league for free. We want to give you an opportunity to be a partner with us as we grow Cherryville Little League. We have decided to create the Cherryville Little League Bullpen Club. You can join the Cherryville Little League Bullpen Club with a tax-deductible donation.
Donations are broken up into three categories and with each level comes a form of representation during the season:
● Club Level membership is for individuals or businesses that give a $100 donation. Your name will go on a banner that will be displayed at our fields all season long. This will allow our fans to be able to recognize that we have wonderful people in the community that care about our kids and youth sports.
● Gold Level membership is for individuals or businesses that give a $500 donation. In addition to your name displayed on our banner, you will also receive a plaque showing our appreciation.
● Diamond Level membership is for individuals or businesses that give a $1000 or more donation for 1st year and 750 for each year afterwards. You will a get a 4x4 metal sign with your name/logo on a graphics wrap that will be on the outfield fence permanently throughout the year.
Click the link below to fill out a form to become a sponsor
Checks should be made to:
Cherryville Little League
PO Box 866
Cherryville, NC 28021
Thank you for your support of Cherryville Little League and our Bullpen Club.